Look at the 10-12 photographs that you recently took of your neighborhood and posted on your blog. Choose your ONE favorite photo.

2a) This is a picture of a mostly white bungolow, the clean, fresh coat of paint shows that this house is new.
b) The angular, black roof gives this building a unique feel.
c) An abundance of trees and plants, the rustle of the tree leaves can be heard.
d) The many transparent windows and opaque shelters make the owners of the house seem well-to-do.
3)Passage A: from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein
"Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole..." - alliteration"Perfectly round door like a porthole..." - simile
"tube-shaped hall like a tunnel..." - simile
Passage D: from Distances by Vandana Singh
"The narrow stone passageways seemed to press in closer..." - personification
"crawling across a two-d floor like a little desert roll-bug..." - simile
"caught her breath, quickened her footsteps, passed under the frieze..." repetition
4) This is a picture of a mostly white bungolow, clean and new, like the building had just received a fresh coat of paint.
b) The angular, black roof gives this building a unique feel as if curves don't exist.
6) The angular, black roof gives this building a unique feel, as if one was in Cubeland - where curves don't exist.
7) Staring at the large and magnificent building before me, I was dragged into a virtual reality. The building before me was angular in shape, and had a edgy roof. It stood out from the rest of the houses, as if it had been taken from another land.
"This definitely must be a building from Cubeland!" I thought to myself. It must have been lifted from there, and planted right here, along with the trees and plants. The sound of trees leaves rustling reached my year soon after. The building stood out from the others, and the "moderness" and "newness" of the building probably contributed to that, like it had just received a fresh coat of paint.
The numerous transparent windows and opaque shelters were smooth to the touch, almost as if it was just cleaned and oiled. It did not seem right, which dragged me further into my virtual reality, where the buildings were perfect; smooth, angular and pixelated.
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