Monday, July 19, 2010

Term 3 Blog Post 1 - Extended Life Metaphors

Time really flies, doesn't it? Once again I begin another chapter in my blog for this term. So After reading some examples given to us in a worksheet, I decided to pick the fourth phrase as my starting of my extended life metaphor:

Life is a gift certificate,
Our presence, God's advocate.
Die when you lose it,
a pity, if you never had it.

"Each day's a gift and not a given right,"
I must stress with all my might.
For every second you have, treasured or not,
just like your body, certificates rot.

So now I will just explain the above two stanzas, as usual. The main point of this entire extended metaphor is that life is something that is very fragile, as easy as it was presented as a gift to you, it can be lost anytime. What I mean in the first half is that this gift, our life - our presence, is God allowing us to live and if you mess up your life - "you lose it", and you die. What I also mean by "a pity, if you never had it", is that life is a wonderful thing and if you have been deprived of that opportunity of experiencing it, it is a very sad thing. (Abortions etc.)

The second half is really quite simple, do not take life for granted. Everyone was given a chance, its all up to that person to decide to treasure it, or not.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree time flies and that life is just like a gift. It was a nicely written poem, clearly expressing your thought and ideas. It took me quite some time to figure out the extended metaphor and i did not manage to figure out the meaning of the last line of the first stanza until i read your explanation. Overall, it was a nicely written poem with a nice rhythm of the first and second line and the third and fourth line. I suggest you could explain who the audience was in your explanation.
