Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In-Class Blog-Writing Prompt #4 (Term 2)

Write a short letter to the editor of The Straits Times, commenting on what Singaporeans can learn from the recent Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and whether we as a nation possess what it takes to handle a similar crisis. To: The editor, The Straits Times Dear Sir/Madam, My heart really goes out to Japan, and all those innocent lives that were lost during the earthquake and tsunamis. The earthquake that hit Japan also caused the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant to lost her ability to cool herself, when her water pumps were damage, and further made impossible for repair by the tsunamis. The earthquake was a stunning magnitude of 8.9, which is the fourth largest earthquake that has ever happened in the world. It is comforting to know that many other nations such as USA are trying their best to aid Japan in rescue efforts, and I sincerely hope that Japan would be able to pull herself together, solve the nuclear reactors' problems as soon as possible, and make this event history. One thing's certain though, when all this is over, Japan would have to start from zero again. I think Singaporeans can really learn from this disaster. Singapore is a pennisula, protected by many other countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia from natural disasters. This is the reason why Singapore has never experienced any country-wide natural disasters before. I guess one can say that we should thank God for putting us in such an excellent geographical location. Even then, we would have to think, would Singapore be able to handle a similar crisis, or just breakdown and be destroyed? I think, if we had such a huge earthquake hitting Singapore, as a whole, we would be worst off than Japan, as we are a much smaller country. We would suffer more losses, as Singapore is the most urbanized country in the world, overcrowded with almost 5million citizens! One can just imagine how much infrastructure, how many lives would be lost with such a natural disaster. With that, Singapore also would receive lots of help from other ASEAN countries, and would be properly prepared as the government has ensured every able man take up National Service at the age of 18, and the 5 Defenses be known to everyone throughout Singapore. So to conclude, I think Singapore would suffer bigger losses than Japan, but we would be able to curb and control the situation, and recover much faster and better than Japan. Thank you for your time! Warm Regards, Shaun Wong Hwa Chong Institution 2O4 (29)

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