Sunday, April 17, 2011

In-Class Blog Writing Prompt #9 (Term 2)

Share an English-language fiction book that you've read recently. What did you enjoy about the book? What in the book challenged you? Who would you recommend the book to? Locate the book on and provide a link in your entry: There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom: So what this book is mainly about is actually about a boy, Bradley Chalkers, who had serious attitude and acadamic problems, and as a result, he was held back for a year in fifth grade. It goes about his story on how he was a bully in school, how he reacted to people around him, and how he changed for the better. So what made me enjoy the book, is really how the author, Louis Sachar, manages to bring out so truly the way how a bully like him actually felt. I found the entire story very touching, espiecially how the school counselor actually went to such an extent in helping this boy that many teachers and students have deemed, "helpless". What challenged me in the book was actually Bradley himself. This was not a book I read recently, but I felt I really had to share it as at that time, I was pretty much like Bradley! No, I was not held back a year, but I didn't do that well in my examinations, I hated everyone around me, I even bullied people younger than me. That was when I was primary 3, and it was abook my mother bought for me, and this book really led me to reflect about all my actions. I would recommend this book to anyone who harbours hatred for the people, or basically everyone around them, just for the fact that they feel that they are outcasts. I feel that this book would really help them to reflect on how they see and treat others, and might even change them for the better.

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